Geometric Lesson and Activities
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Pass out paper lunch bags and have kids find a 3D solid to put inside. Also, have students write three clues that describe their 3D shape on the outside of their bag. Then, they bring it back to class and the other kids guess their shape. Kids will have fun seeing all the interesting objects their classmates found!
Another Great Idea from E is for Exploring.
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Graphing - Who can blow a bubble?
(have kids write how to blow a bubble)
Geometry / 3D solids - Shape of the gum out of the wrapper (cylinder). Shape of the gum when blowing a bubble (sphere).
Geometry / 3D solids - Shape of the gum out of the wrapper (cylinder). Shape of the gum when blowing a bubble (sphere).
Measuring - Measure the length of the gum before and after being chewed. Have kids stretch their chewed gum out (as far as they can) and lay it on a piece of wax paper (make sure they have clean hands!).
States of Matter
solid - gum out of wrapper
liquid - saliva when chewed
gas - blowing a bubble
solid - chewed gum
solid - chewed gum
Ask kids if they think the gum underwent a physical or chemical change.
Answer - Physical change, there was nothing new created. Matter wasn't destroyed.
Next, have them write about how their gum physically changed (density, color, and temperature).
What made the gum get soft? Was it the saliva? Have kids place their chewed gum in ice water (or take a drink of ice water). They will notice that the gum will get hard. Does temperature play a role?
Predict: Will un-chewed, chewed, and chewed exposed to water have the same mass?
Lay the gum on a square of wax paper and compare it to a piece of un-chewed gum. Then, weigh gum that has been chewed and then exposed to cold water. Did they all weigh the same?
Have kids invent a new flavor of gum!
Design a shape for the gum.
Design a logo.
Design the packaging.
What will they call their gum?
Where can you buy it?
How much will it cost?
Great Idea from E is for Explore
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Kids construct geometric shapes (sticks labeled with number of vertices/ edges and shape name)
Great Idea from E is for Explore
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Kids draw the shape and fill out the back of the cards. Click here for the printable.
Note: Don't cut along the center line. The card folds in half, so there is a front and back
3D Food Geometry
Great idea from E is for Explore
Kids Count 1234 used a kiss, marshmallow, carmel, and licorice. If you click the link, you can download their version.
Uh-oh, numbers and shapes are on the loose! It's up to kids to find them! First, kids create a wanted poster for a geometric solid. The wanted poster will help them retain a geometric solid's attributes. It will also help them with recognizing 3D solids in the real world. Then, they create a wanted poster for a numeral. This activity will help kids improve their number sense. Will their descriptions catch the mischievous culprits? After they complete their posters, you can incorporate writing with the project. Have kids write why their numeral or shape is wanted. What did it do to get into trouble?