Marshmallow Fractions
All you need is a bag or two of colored marshmallows to share with your students and you have an instant, tasty fraction lesson when you pair it with this worksheet!
Click on the picture for the link. This came from Mrs. Bainbridges' Class.
Click on the picture for the link. This came from Mrs. Bainbridges' Class.
OUCH! Band Aid Fractions and Writing
Found this activity at E is for Explore.
Integrate literature, math, and writing with band aids! Pass out copies of Shel Silverstein's "Band Aids" poem from Where the Sidewalk Ends. Then, split kids up into teams of two. Have one kid trace the other on an oversized sheet of paper (butcher paper). Give each team 35 band-aids of various shapes or colors. Using the poem, they stick band-aids on the body outline (where Silverstein says they are placed). Next, they do the math! They figure out the total number of band-aids in Shel Silverstein's poem. Have them count up the total number of band-aids on the body outline. Then, they must refer back to the poem to figure out the total number of band-aids Silverstein used (poem says box of 35 more). Once they have figured out the total, have them write a fraction for each band-aid shape (or color).
Writing - After the math activity, have kids write about a time they got hurt. Kids love sharing bruise stories! Afterwards, use band-aids to perform contraction surgery or number operation!urday, March 3, 2012
Writing - After the math activity, have kids write about a time they got hurt. Kids love sharing bruise stories! Afterwards, use band-aids to perform contraction surgery or number operation!urday, March 3, 2012
Pizza Perfect!
Found this on E is for Explore.
Explore pizza with bubble maps, venn diagrams, fact families, and fractions!
Name Math
Practice recognizing vowels and consonants, while working on math skills!
Found this activity at E is for Explore.
Have kids create fractions with scoops of paper ice cream! They can get super creative with their flavors! First, they choose how many of each flavor they'd like for their cone (10 scoops total). Then, they stack and glue their scoops onto a paper cone. Finally, they write the fraction down for each of their flavors.

Sunday, April 7, 2013
Marshmallow Kebab Math
Found this activity at E is for Explore.
Fraction Kebab: Create a marshmallow kebab of fractions! Grab a bag of mini colored marshmallows and have kids stab them onto a wooden skewer. Then, they figure out the fraction for each color. Afterwards, make a graph to represent which color was the most popular.
Place Value Kebab: Don't tell your students what each marshmallow color is worth. Have them choose their marshmallow colors and stab them on their skewer. Then, write the value for each color on the board and have them figure out their number. Is their number even or odd? Who had the largest number? Whose number was the smallest? Did anyone have the same number?
For more marshmallow learning games, check out Marshmallows 101!
Place Value Kebab: Don't tell your students what each marshmallow color is worth. Have them choose their marshmallow colors and stab them on their skewer. Then, write the value for each color on the board and have them figure out their number. Is their number even or odd? Who had the largest number? Whose number was the smallest? Did anyone have the same number?
For more marshmallow learning games, check out Marshmallows 101!
Lego Roll
Found this activity at E is for Explore.
Write fractions on notecards and have children create the fraction out of Legos (like a fraction museum). Once they've built all of their towers, they can call the teacher over to check.
Heads vs Tails
Found this activity at E is for Explore.
Kids shake a group of various coins, cupped in both hands, and drop! Then, they compare heads and tails: writing fractions and coin
Fractions with Pattern Blocks

For younger kids, check out Joyful Learning in KC's Eric Carle Math with pattern blocks!
Use pattern blocks for missing addends, click here and scroll down!
Click here to see this activity with coins!
Use pattern blocks for missing addends, click here and scroll down!
Click here to see this activity with coins!